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Who are (more:trees)?

(more:trees) partner with tree planters across the world who work with local communities to restore healthy forests and reduce extreme poverty. 


Their goal is to help businesses and individuals take impactful climate action to secure the future of our planet now and for generations to come.

Our pledge

We're proud to be a (more:trees) member. Our pledge is simple - for each product purchased, we plant a tree with (more:trees). You can see our forest grow here:


By planting trees we help sequester CO2 emissions while providing co-benefits such as water filtration, shelter, food sources, poverty alleviation and biodiversity. 


The more trees we plant, the more we help!

The benefits of planting trees.

Planting trees helps:

  • Absorb carbon from the atmosphere

  • Provide farms with work to support the local economy

  • Give someone an income and a skill to feed their family

  • Protect animals from deforestation

  • Increase rainfall, purify water and improve crop yield.

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